asian power
- 网络亚洲力量;亚洲电力;亚力

The $ 1 billion included an unrealized gain from writing up the value of an equity investment in an Asian power company , which the firm declined to name .
Within 20 years , the Asian power will be dominant .
America insists it wants to remain an Asian power , and has the military muscle to do so .
The fast-growing Asian power wants to be sure of a say in the future use of space and its resources , Reuters reported .
A rising Asian power has emerged as an export powerhouse and enjoys rapid , export-led growth fuelled by extraordinarily high savings and investment rates .
The Pew study found that there was limited interest in Latin America and Africa in China 's music and movies , although most admired the Asian power 's technological advances .
China is now the coming Asian power , but it is not an intellectual hub of pan-Asianism , either in Communist orthodoxy or in efforts to revive Confucianism .
A Chinese mining company is taking over a planned $ 2bn iron ore project in Greenland , making it the first Arctic resources project to come under the full ownership of the Asian power .
But what 's different today is that the tussles as well as the triumphs increasingly involve India – the emerging Asian power whose economic clout in Latin America could soon rival China 's.
Thus China will take more international responsibilities as an Asian power and pursue the harmony of benefits of all participants , which could put it to the leading role in Asian cooperation and make other countries not afraid of Chinese power .
Yet , although Asia will have to heave itself through thickening economic , political and diplomatic challenges , it is possible to depict the year of the ox as one that will accelerate the drift to Asian power .
The so-called New Silk Road continues to fascinate policy makers and analysts as rising Asian economic power seals its imprint on this century .
Malaysia made use of International Court of Justice to maintain their sovereignty on some oceanic islands . Besides , The Association of Southeast Asian Nations , Five Power Defense Arrangements and other multilateral cooperation mechanisms are used to safeguard its ocean rights and interests .
You have insulted and deceived too many Asian , especially Asian women , now Asian show power to you .